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Pingüinera Catamaran Maritime Navigation


From: $ 125.000,00


The best way to see the Penguins in Ushuaia, Faro del Fin del Mundo, Lobos and Bird Island

It is a route of great historical and scenic value. We depart from the Tourist Dock at the Port of Ushuaia towards Paso Chico, entering the Beagle Channel, which will amaze us with its islands, landscapes and birdlife. Visit to the Bird and Wolf Islands. Then we observed the Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse, a faithful witness of the sinking of the Monte Cervantes in 1930. Later we sailed in front of the Estancia Remolino, where the semi-sunken hull of the Monte Sarmiento ship has been located since 1912. Continuing with the excursion, we passed in front of Puerto Almanza and headed through Paso Mackinlay to Isla Martillo, where we saw a nice colony of Magellanic penguins that chose this island to nest. Return to Ushuaia. Take advantage of our Benefits and Offers: We accept Previaje Card Now Plan in up to 12 Fixed Installments!
Itinerary details
  • Salida desde el Muelle de Catamaranes
  • Isla de los Lobos Marinos de uno y de dos pelos
  • Isla de los Pájaros
  • Faro Les Eclaireurs
  • Pingüinera Isla Martillo con Avistaje de Pingüinos
  • Snack a Bordo (Opcional)
  • Regreso a Ushuaia (16:00hs)
Duration: Día entero
Time of year: Verano, Primavera
What we include
  • Guía de Turismo habla Hispana / Inglés
  • Transporte en Catamarán totalmente acondicionado con servicio abordo
  • 06 horas de duración
  • Financiación especial: Cuota Simple con tu tarjeta de crédito!
What is not included:
  • Todo servicio no especificado en el programa
  • Tasa portuaria (Se abona en el Puerto)
The best financing:
Plan Cuota Simple (Visa, Mastercard y American Express ** de todos los bancos)
  • 03 cuotas con cargo de 25%
  • 06 cuotas con cargo de 40%
  • 12 cuotas con cargo de 70%
** No incluidas Tarjetas American Express no bancarias.

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