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4x4 Snow Route in the Andes


From: $ 200.000,00


Snow Route 4x4 in the Andes, to live the snow to the fullest! Introducing "The Winter Experience" at the End of the World. Snow Route 4x4 in the Andes is a proposal that will allow you to know the snowy Patagonian Andean forests during the winter season, and interact as a team with different modalities, complete with winter adventure and 4x4! First of all, we will start our 4WD Circuit, descending the Andes Mountain Range, penetrating the Lenga Forest, until we reach our warm refuge in front of Lake Fagnano, in Estancia La Carmen. There, in addition to touring the estancia, visiting the facilities, the museum of former settlers and contemplating the lake, we will have lunch with a delicious asado, ham and cheese, accompanied by good wines, water, soda, dessert and after dinner... A delicious coffee or tea with regional chocolates and homemade liquor. After the 4x4 adventure, we will head to an outstanding winter center to enjoy the rest of the winter activities. We put on our snowshoes and start an extraordinary adventure: walking through the snow in the valley and the lenga forest! Arriving at the refuge we will have a hot drink and then enjoy a ride on "Snowmobiles", the best way to finish this first stage of the day. You will undoubtedly live the "Snow Experience" of the Fuegian Andes! Join this experience full of adventure and good stories! Take advantage of our Benefits and Offers: We accept PreviajePlan Ahora Card in up to 12 Fixed Installments!
Itinerary details

09:00hs - Salida de Ushuaia
10:00hs - Circuito en 4x4 de 01 hora
12:00hs - Llegada al Refugio en Lago Fagnano (Uso de baños, instalaciones)
13:30hs - Almuerzo
16:30hs - Caminata con Raquetas en Centro Invernal - Paseo en Moto (25 minutos)
17:30hs - Regreso a Ushuaia

Menú del Almuerzo Incluido
Almuerzo (Entrada de picada de jamón y queso. Principal: Asado vacuno con ensaladas) - opción Vegetariana o Vegana, postre y café o infusión).Bebidas (Vino, agua y gaseosa).

Duration: Día entero
Time of year: Invierno
What we include
  • Traslados a Centro Invernal
  • Caminata con Raquetas de Nieve
  • Circuito de 25 minutos en Motos de Nieve
  • Circuito en 4x4 por la Cordillera de los Andes y el Bosque de Lengas
  • Comida regional con bebidas en nuestro refugio frente al Lago Fagnano
  • Asado fueguino con bebidas con y sin alcohol, postre, chocolates artesanales, café o té y licor casero
  • Y... Mucha buena onda!!!
  • Financiación especial: Cuota Simple con tu tarjeta de crédito!
What is not included:
  • Todo servicio no especificado en el programa.
The best financing:
Plan Cuota Simple (Visa, Mastercard y American Express ** de todos los bancos)
  • 03 cuotas con cargo de 25%
  • 06 cuotas con cargo de 40%
  • 12 cuotas con cargo de 70%
** No incluidas Tarjetas American Express no bancarias.

Do not hesitate to contact us