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Adventure of the Lakes in 4x4


From: $ 170.000,00


Lakes 4x4 Off Road with Lunch from Ushuaia

Exciting Off Road Adventure, off road. The 4x4 trucks allow us to reach places where access would otherwise be impossible, forests, mud, rocks, etc. Lake Khami or Fagnano surprises us with its dimensions and incredible scenery. To do so, we will begin our adventure, making two stops to contemplate the landscape, Mirador del Valle Carbajal, and Paso Garibaldi. In the latter, we will also be able to contemplate the landscapes that will await us later on. We will descend to Lago Escondido, along the old route of National Route 3. Along this route, the lake is surrounded by lenga trees, leaning out more and more capriciously towards us. In our stop at Estancia La Carmen we will have the chance to enjoy a snack on the shores of Lake Fagnano, one of the largest in Argentina and South America, in the heat of the embers, among anecdotes shared by their owners, direct descendants of pioneers settlers of Tierra del Fuego. Afterwards, in addition to using the facilities and restrooms, we will have time to walk along the lakeshore, enjoy one of the docks, or simply contemplate the beauty of the surroundings sitting on one of the benches on the shores of the lake. The site has a museum worth visiting, full of anecdotes and history of ancient settlers who forged the history of Tierra del Fuego. Once this 15 km off road adventure is over, we will head to our refuge to enjoy an exquisite barbecue menu! After enjoying the cooking, chats, anecdotes and good times, we will return to the city of Ushuaia. Take advantage of our Benefits and Offers: We accept PreviajePlan Ahora Card in up to 12 Fixed Installments!
Itinerary details

09:00 - Salida de Ushuaia
10:00 - Paso Garibaldi
10:15 - Descenso Cordillera de los Andes en 4x4 (Lago Escondido)
11:30 - Circuito en 4x4 por el Bosque de Lengas hasta Lago Fagnano
12:30 - Estancia La Carmen (Uso de instalaciones)
13:30 - Almuerzo en refugio propio
15:00 - Regreso a Ushuaia
16:30 - Llegada a Ushuaia

Almuerzo en Refugio frente al Lago Fagnano (Estancia La Carmen):

Entrada: Picada de Jamón y Queso
Principal: Asado vacuno con Ensaladas o Mix de Vegetales Asados
Postre: Flan Casero
Bebidas: Bebidas con y sin alcohol
Café, Té, Chocolate con leche y Licor artesanal con Chocolates caseros.

Duration: Día entero
Time of year: Todo el año
What we include
  • Transporte en camionetas 4x4
  • Guía de Turismo habla Hispana / inglés
  • Circuito en 4x4 descendiendo la Cordillera de los Andes
  • Circuito por el Bosque en 4x4 hasta el Lago Fagnano
  • Todos los traslados incluidos
  • Almuerzo incluido (Asado con ensaladas, postre y bebidas)
  • Snack y uso de instalaciones en Estancia La Carmen a la vera del Lago Fagnano
  • Financiación especial: Cuota Simple con tu tarjeta de crédito!
What is not included:
  • Todo servicio no especificado en el programa.
The best financing:
Cuota Simple (Visa, Mastercard y American Express ** de todos los bancos)
  • 03 cuotas con cargo de 25%
  • 06 cuotas con cargo de 40%
  • 12 cuotas con cargo de 70%
** No incluidas Tarjetas American Express no bancarias.

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