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Lakes Escondido and Fagnano


From: $ 115.000,00


Escondido and Fagnano Lakes with Fuegian Lamb Lunch from Ushuaia

Lake Fagnano is of glacial origin, drains into the Strait of Magellan through the Azopardo River and extends 110 kilometers, a small part of which crosses into Chile. The striking image of Lake Fagnano stands out among the mountains and the rugged plateau. Its vibrant blue is curled by the austral wind forming waves that break on the shore. 60 kilometers north of Ushuaia we will find Escondido Lake, a beautiful water mirror nestled in the mountain range of singular attraction and picturesque, located at the foot of the Garibaldi Pass, a mountain crossing with infinite stories and a viewpoint that from its 450 meters high shows us the beauties of Escondido and its surroundings. On the shores of the lake at Hostería Petrel, we will stop to enjoy the lake, the warmth of a traditional inn and the nature of the landscapes from another point of view. You will be able to contemplate Lake Fagnano from the shore, sitting on a bench, enjoying the wonderful infrastructure of Estancia La Cármen, or just walking along its shore, before enjoying a delicious snack... And then, you can't miss the delicious "Cordero a la Estaca cooked in Lenga embers", in one of the most complete and interesting winter centers in Tierra del Fuego. Take advantage of our Benefits and Offers: We accept PreviajePlan Ahora Card in up to 12 Fixed Installments!
Itinerary details

09:00hs - Salida de Ushuaia
10:15hs - Paso Garibaldi (Parada para Vista Panorámica de los Lagos)
11:30hs - Estancia La Carmen
11:50hs - Desayuno en Refugio propio frente al Lago Fagnano
13:30hs - Almuerzo (Opcional) en Centro Invernal (Cordero Fueguino a la Estaca y otras opciones)
16:30hs - Regreso a Ushuaia.

Duration: Medio día
Time of year: Todo el año
What we include
  • Transporte y Guía de Turismo habla Hispana / Inglés
  • Todos los traslados incluidos
  • Visita a Estancia la Carmen y uso de Instalaciones
  • Snack incluido en Refugio frente al Lago Fagnano
  • Visita a Lagos Escondido y Fagnano
  • Almuerzo opcional en Centro Invernal
  • Financiación especial: Cuota Simple con tu tarjeta de crédito!
What is not included:
  • Todo servicio no especificado en el programa.
The best financing:
Plan Cuota Simple (Visa, Mastercard y American Express ** de todos los bancos)
  • 03 cuotas con cargo de 25%
  • 06 cuotas con cargo de 40%
  • 12 cuotas con cargo de 70%
** No incluidas Tarjetas American Express no bancarias.

Do not hesitate to contact us